Frequently Asked Questions

Booking FAQs

  • To book onto an expedition please refer to each expedition page, they can be found here.

  • We currently accept bank transfers for both deposit and balance payments. (Please note that you are responsible for all transfer fees incurred). For international payments (outside of the UK) we recommend using TransferWise.

  • When you make your booking, you must pay the non-refundable deposit as stated with the submission of your booking form. The idea of a deposit is a commitment from the expedition participant towards the trip. We need to pay suppliers (boats, hotels, dive shops) in advance, so we require some security that you plan to come. If you cancel your trip and we can not find a replacement, your deposit is therefore not refundable. For more info please see our T&C’s.

  • The balance of the price of your travel arrangements (calculated after the deduction of your deposit payment) must be paid at least 90 days before your trip start date. In certain cases, we may request full payment more than 90 days before departure where, for example, overseas suppliers require full payment on booking. For more info please see our T&C’s.

  • Booking terms and conditions can be found here (, as well as in the footer of the website.

Diving FAQs

  • Yes. We will not be able to take any uninsured divers out. Even if you are just snorkelling, your insurance must cover any/all in-water activities.

  • If your chosen expedition includes diving, please check the expedition page for certification requirements and minimum number of dives.

  • Some of our expedition sites are challenging, due to various diving conditions (depth, current strength, night), and therefore, certain expeditions will require more advanced dives certification and greater diving experience (number of dives).

  • Safety is our number one priority. Sharks are apex predators and should be treated with respect and caution when diving with them. For this reason, we enforce the following safety protocols to minimise possible risk:


    Our dives will be led by expert shark safety divers, trained by highly qualified international shark diving trainers and there have been zero shark incidents at our dive partners. Our guides have logged thousands of hours diving with this population of sharks and have a good knowledge of both shark behaviour and each dive site conditions.


    Before each dive, we will be given a comprehensive safety briefing about shark behaviour, diving procedures, the code of conduct and safety rules. Always follow instructions from our guides at all times to maintain safety.


    We take safety very seriously and therefore have our own shark diving code of conduct (that will serve as an addition to any local codes of conduct). Any behaviour that violates our code of conduct will result in an expedition participant being immediately excluded from any future dives with us.

Expedition FAQs

  • Expedition participants are responsible for their own insurance. Please ensure that this includes:

    • Travel insurance (covers both valuables, possessions and health/emergency)

    • DAN Dive Insurance (or equivalent) if you are diving or participating in in-water activities

  • Please check individual expedition page FAQs for specific arrival / departure dates & times.

  • Depending on your country of origin and country where the expedition is taking place, you may require a visa. Please check online or send us an email and we can support you.

Other FAQs

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.